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Archives: Products

Directional Survey Import Tool

Horizontal and directional drilling operations are utilized to allow access to greater volumes of reservoir rock while minimizing the number of well pads required to access oil and gas resources. These drilling practices introduce more complexity for state agencies when reviewing and approving applications to drill. The Directional Survey Import Tool provides a standard Electronic Data…

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Field Inspection Prioritization

The Field Inspection Prioritization (FIP) module generates a map that shows agency users which wells should receive priority inspection based on geographic (e.g. distance to nearby streams) and operational criteria (e.g. days since last inspection). The module allows inspectors to quickly and efficiently plan inspection routes and ensures that inspections are prioritized based on risk…

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FracFocus is the national hydraulic fracturing chemical registry managed by GWPC and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC). The system allows state regulatory agencies to receive disclosure of chemicals and fluids used in the process of hydraulic fracturing from operators. The original purpose of the system was voluntary submission of disclosures by operators;…

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